Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Nix Functions To Setup Newsboat Urls

RSS is a powerful way to stay updated with your favorite blogs, social media channels, and other online content without being distracted by endless scrolling on the actual platforms. Newsboat, a terminal-based RSS reader, is an excellent tool for this.

In this post, I'll guide you through how to set up your newsboat configuration using Nix functions to generate RSS feeds from platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and Spotify with less boilerplates. For more informations on supported platforms visit rsshub.

Setting Up Nix Functions for RSS Feeds

Nix Functions

In Nix, functions are written as follows:

Single parameter

param1: {
    # Function Body

Two parameters

param1: param2: {
    # Function Body

Here, param1, param2, and so on are the inputs (arguments) to the function. This allows you to write reusable functions where you only need to provide specific data, such as a username or unique ID, and the function handles the boilerplate parts of the links.

You might notice that functions in Nix don’t have a name. Nix functions are similar to closures in Rust, This means you can’t call them directly by name, they are anonymous. To use them, you must bind the function to a variable. Once bound, you can call the variable like a named function.

Here’s an example:

without funtions

{ ... }:
    programs.newsboat = {
        enable = true;
        urls = [
            {tags = [ "articles" ]; url = "https://proton.me/blog/feed";}
            { # normal way 
                tags = [ "youtube" "music" ];
                url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/user/@JFlaMusic";
                tags = [ "youtube" "movies" ];
                url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/user/@DanMurrellMovies";
                tags = [ "youtube" "programming" ];
                url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/user/@jonhoo";
                tags = [ "youtube" "programming" ];
                url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/user/@ThePrimeagen";
            # and so on...

with funtions

{ ... }:
    Youtube = userName: tags: {
        tags = tags;
        url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/user/@${userName}";
    programs.newsboat = {
        enable = true;
        urls = [
            {tags = [ "articles" ]; url = "https://proton.me/blog/feed";}
            (Youtube "JFlaMusic" [ "youtube" "music" ])
            (Youtube "DanMurrellMovies" [ "youtube" "movies" ])
            (Youtube "jonhoo" [ "youtube" "programming" ])
            (Youtube "ThePrimeagen" [ "youtube" "programming" ])
            # and so on...

This approach is much cleaner and simplifies debugging in the future. If the API for RSS changes, you only need to update a single line in the function definition, rather than rewriting all the occurrences.

Final code

{ ... }:
instagramFeeds = users: map ( userNames: {
    tags = [ "instagram" ];
    url = "https://rsshub.app/picuki/profile/${userNames}";
    }) users;
twitterFeeds = users: map ( userNames: {
    tags = [ "twitter" ];
    url = "https://nitter.privacydev.net/${userNames}/rss";
    }) users;
redditFeeds = users: map ( userNames: {
    tags = [ "reddit" ];
    url = "https://www.reddit.com/r/${userNames}.rss";
    }) users;
youTubeFeeds = users: map ( userNames: {
    tags = [ "youtube" ];
    url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/user/@${userNames}";
    }) users;
Youtube = userName: tags: {
  tags = tags;
  url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/user/@${userName}";
YoutubeId = channel_id: tags: {
  tags = tags;
  url = "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=${channel_id}";
YtMusicChart = category: countryCode: tags: {
  tags = tags;
  url = "https://rsshub.app/youtube/charts/${category}/${countryCode}/RightNow";
Spotify = category: name: id: {
  tags = [ "music" ];
  url = "https://rsshub.app/spotify/${category}/${id}";
  programs.newsboat = {
    enable = true;
    browser = "linkhandler";
    autoReload = false;
    urls = [
      {tags = [ "articles" ]; url = "https://feeds.feedburner.com/collabfund";}
      (Youtube "CinemaStellar" [ "youtube" "movies" ])
      (Youtube "DanMurrellMovies" [ "youtube" "movies" ])
      (YoutubeId "UC7YOGHUfC1Tb6E4pudI9STA" [])
      (YoutubeId "UCP7WmQ_U4GB3K51Od9QvM0w" [])
      (YtMusicChart "TopSongs" "in" [ "YtMusic" ])
      (Spotify "playlist" "Top Songs - Global" "37i9dQZEVXbNG2KDcFcKOF")
      (Spotify "playlist" "Top Songs - India" "37i9dQZEVXbMWDif5SCBJq")
      (Spotify "artist" "Halsey"            "26VFTg2z8YR0cCuwLzESi2")
      (Spotify "artist" "The Chainsmokers"  "69GGBxA162lTqCwzJG5jLp")
      ++ youTubeFeeds [
        ++ twitterFeeds [
        ++ redditFeeds [
        ++ instagramFeeds [

    extraConfig = ''
      bind-key j down
      bind-key k up